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Learn More about “Glowing Together”: A Community United Against Domestic Violence

Advocates for A Violence-Free Community

Working to End Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Grand County and to Provide a Safe Place to Grow Violence Free


Advocates for a Violence-Free Community is comprised of people who are involved in issues related to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Advocates operate as a place where these victims can receive confidential services in a safe and supportive environment. Our agency serves victims of all racial, social, ethnic, religious, sexual orientations, and gender expressions among all economic groups, ages, and lifestyles. We oppose the use of violence as a means of power and control over others. We support and encourage equality in relationships and the concept of helping people assume power over their own lives.

What We Do

Listed below are just a few of the comprehensive services that Advocates provides on a day-to-day basis:

  • 24-hour Confidential Crisis Line
  • Emergency Safehousing
  • Safehousing at Sprout House
  • Safety Planning
  • Support Services
  • On and Off Scene Crisis Intervention
  • Courtroom Advocacy
  • Assistance With Restraining Orders
  • Medical Advocacy
  • Counseling Referrals and Assistance
  • Relocation Assistance
  • Referrals and Information
  • Community Outreach and Education
  • Support Groups
  • Address Confidentiality Assistance

*Spanish Speaking / Se Habla Español

Our Mission

Advocates for a Violence-Free Community is a non-profit organization whose mission is to end domestic and sexual violence in the Grand County Community. To accomplish this mission, Advocates provides extensive victim support services, information, prevention education and community awareness.

1.Make domestic and sexual violence unacceptable in Grand County

2.Enhance programs for victims

3.Promote healthy relationships

4.Increase outreach and education in our community and schools

5.Diversify and increase funding

6.Break the Cycle and Be the Change

Thank You

We couldn’t do our work without the help from our community and beyond.  Any donation, big and small, go to supporting individuals and families affected by domestic and sexual violence in Grand County. Special thanks to:

  • AV Hunter Trust Fund
  • Board of County Commissioners Donor Advised Fund
  • Domestic Violence Program (DVP)
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
  • Freeport-McMoRan
  • Fraser River Valley Lions Club
  • Grand Foundation
  • Sprout Foundation
  • Town of Grand Lake Donor Advised Fund
  • Town of Winter Park Donor Advised Fund
  • Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (14th Judicial VALE)
  • Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
  • Weathertop Donor Advised Fund

How You Can Help

How You Can Help

Together we can make domestic and sexual violence unacceptable in Grand County

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    Make A Donation

    Join our mission to make Grand County a Violence-Free community. Any contribution will make a difference.

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    Become a Volunteer

    Only with the help of a strong team of dedicated volunteers can we continue with our mission to fight domestic and sexual violence in Grand County.

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    Knowledge is Power & Silence is Acceptance

    Make domestic violence your business. Spread the word in the community about us and our services.

Contact Us

Contact Us


PO Box 155
Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451

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